Employment Services

Employment Services

Lettuce Dream focuses on providing customized services to individuals with disabilities who have a goal of obtaining competitive employment, no matter where they are in their journey. Lettuce Dream is contracted with the Missouri Department of Mental Health and Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation to provide the following employment services; Prevocational, Discovery and Exploration, Job Development, and Supported Employment.


There is currently no waitlist for services at Lettuce Dream.


Prevocational services help individuals develop general, non-job task specific skills necessary to succeed in competitive, integrated employment. This could include but is not limited to, communication skills, acceptable workplace conduct, grooming and dress, active listening, problem solving strategies and general workplace safety.

Discovery and Exploration

Discovery and Exploration services assist the job seeker with discovering their skills and interests and exploring potential job opportunities. This is done through community-based assessments (CBA), job shadows, short job trials, informational interviews, tours and volunteering. Learning styles, preferences, skills, barriers and potential accommodations are assessed through these activities. Information gathered will identify interests, skills, assistive technology and training needs and job readiness.

 Job Development 

Job Development uses information about the strengths and interests of the individual seeking employment to target the types of jobs available from potential employers in the local labor market. Typical job development activities include reviewing local employment opportunities, and developing potential employers and customers through direct and indirect strategies. Job Development might include job search activities, resume building, identifying appropriate job leads, completing and submitting job applications, preparing for job interviews, filling out paperwork, facilitating and negotiating a hiring agreement.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment services also referred to as job coaching is based on the individual employee with a focus on achieving long term retention of the job. A job coach may assist the employee at orientation, learning new job tasks, employer/coworker training, coaching of non-task related “soft skills” such as workplace culture and safety, and identifying and implementing needed accommodations and other tools to ensure success on the job.

Ongoing and Follow Along

These services are designed to help the individual retain employment and may occur on or off site. When working in the community, the individual will receive on-going support and follow along through Lettuce Dream to help them maintain employment. To ensure continued satisfaction and success of both the employee and the employer, we will check in periodically. If determined necessary, Lettuce Dream can come to the job site to provide job coaching services for reasons such as assisting a person with completing new job tasks, changes in work schedule or promotion, decrease in productivity, adjusting to new supervisors, or other critical life activities that may affect work performance.

If you are interested in services, please call (660) 224-2203 or e-mail jenniemoore@lettucedream.org