
Employment Services

Lettuce Dream focuses on providing customized services to each individual to support them in their career journey. Lettuce Dream is contracted with the Missouri Department of Mental Health and Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation to provide employment services to individuals with disabilities through prevocational assessment and discovery, career planning and job development, job coaching, retention, stabilization and follow-up, as well as ongoing support.


There is currently no waitlist for services at Lettuce Dream.

Prevocational and Discovery 

Lettuce Dream offers Prevocational services as a time limited period of training and assessment in the occupational interest cluster(s) identified by the job seeker or through assessments. The individual will have the opportunity to choose to work at Lettuce Dream performing jobs that meet their interest while exploring other career opportunities. A job site that meets their interests may also be used to give them an understanding of what that job is like.

During this assessment period, skills, abilities, barriers to employment, communication, learning style, preferences and necessary accommodations are evaluated.

Information gathered will identify interests, skills, technology and training needs and job readiness. This information is used in developing holistic employment opportunities.

Career Planning and Job Development 

Career planning and job development services are customized to each individual and could include the following,

  • 1. Review of assessment results to identify employment goals and target suitable job matches
  • 2. Accessing resources that aid in the job search, such as computers, flash drives, books, videos, and employment symposiums
  • 3. Develop resumes, profiles and/or portfolios
  • 4. Contact community employers to identify employment opportunities
  • 5. Transportation training and assistance
  • 6. Analysis of potential work site
  • 7. Gather and complete job applications
  • 8. Interview preparation, including mock interviews
  • 9. Set-up oral and/or working interviews
  • 10. Negotiate conditions of employment and job accommodations, as necessary

Job Coaching 

Job coaching offers support and training at the work site and could include the folllowing,

  • 1. Orientation with supervisor and co-workers to talk about how to work effectively with the supported employee to ensure success and a smooth transition.
  • 2. Job training, followed by gradual fading of job coach support once the new employee has demonstrated the ability to complete job tasks independently.
  • 3. Assist in the development of natural supports in the work place.
  • 4. Training of non-task related “soft skills” such as work place culture and guidelines, safety and appropriate socialization.
  • 5. Assisting individual in attendance of employer required trainings to ensure an understanding of the information.
  • 6. Support to obtain necessary permits or certifications.
  • 7. Assistance and training with appropriate work attire, grooming, work attitude, problem solving.
  • 8. Development of tools to aid in independence, such as schedules or checklists.

Retention, Stabilization, and Follow-up

Retention is long term support to assure continued satisfaction and successful performance of job skills. These services are for individuals who need intensive and continuous support.

Stabilization is short term follow up and support to assure the successful transition into employment. Once stabilization is achieved, no further supports are provided.

Follow-up services to assist in maintaining employment. This includes ongoing communication with the individual, the employer and home support to ensure that work skills are sustained and that problems are handled appropriately. Additional training and re-training will be provided as needed.




Ongoing Support

When working independently in the community, the individual will receive on-going support through Lettuce Dream to help them maintain employment.

  • 1. A visit to their worksite a minimum of once a month. However, more frequent visits may be necessary.
  • 2. Monthly contact with the employer and/or lead co-workers to check on the progress of the client, also an inquirer about whether they need additional support. This includes providing on-going support to the employer so that they can work with the person supported successfully.
  • 3. Monthly contact with a parent, guardian, family member, home support staff or other members of the person’s support team to update them on the progress of the individual and including them in efforts made to ensure the client’s success.
  • 4. Having Lettuce Dream staff available to help the person served solve problems on the job, develop tools for continued success, and attend trainings and meetings, if necessary, to help the individual understand information relevant to their job.
  • 5. Receiving honest feedback about their performance from Lettuce Dream staff and working as a team to help with their continued success.





Interested? Fill out the Participant Application

Participant Handbook